Technical talk on venous stents, by Peter Schnatterbeck
Peter Schnatterbeck
DVT triad: flow, endothelial injury and hypercoagulability
Stenting increases the endothelial injury in veins rather than improving it!
Also, a stent in veins can still occlude despite good flow
It is very important to have pneumatic boots and to get out of bed early.
Thrombus in vein incites a lot of inflammatory process - leads to vein fibrosis and valve destruction.
Rationale to treat acute DVT
- 50% of patients with ileofemoral DVT get PTS
- 15% approximately will get ulceration (this seems rather a high figure from acute DVT…)
- 45% approximately remain symptomatic with non op Rx
PS says surgery has a place in UL DVT because there is limited endovenous to offer in the ULs
The ATTRACT trial showed no difference - PS states need to be cautious after this trial
What are the things to look for on imaging
Does the thrombus enter the IVC?
Is there a mass lesion like cancer?
Is there a PE? Is there right heart strain?
Is there a May-Thurner or similar type of compression?
New devices: FlowTriever is similar to ClotTriever. FT can suck out PE clot.
For IVC or ileofemoral DVT without PE consider ClotTriever with FlowTriever protection discs. PS says these seem to be a bit like an Amplatzer plug.
You cant put an IVC filter in through a popliteal puncture because the device shaft length wont be enough.
Can’t use a mechanical thrombecdtomy device on an occluded stent; you can use an aspiration device though.
Picture of the ICVO classification system
When you use rTPA lysis use a checklist for the contraindications
FU measures of importance, 5:
pneumatic boots overnight
Then pneumatic compression stockings
DUS on day 1 post op and CT / MRV at 6 months
Early mobility is v important
is a different beast
no clear consensus on what is a signifiant lesion
Imaging to use is much more complex. US is of limited use.
Intraoperatively need combination of multiplanar venography and IVUS
can reconstruct an occluded IVC endovenous even with only about 5 cm patent in the infrahepatic segment
you would almost always end up having to overstent the right side when you stent a left CIV such as for a May-Thurner.